Meet the Hangrys
Among our band of Hangrys there are a few misfits, intelligent and mindful souls. Hangry is more than a movie concept, it’s a movement! Read about our crew of Hangry Animals and uncover some gems of truth that will have impact in our narrative as it unfolds in the comic world, mini series & the ultimate cinematic experience. We’re all getting super Hangry right now!


Kick ass, kick boxing, never sits still Zebra with attitude. Zebrina plays the roll of back seat Alpha with heart for the Hangry crew. Ex military human merged with Zebrina at the Zoo during the event that brought us these hybrid species!

One hell of a Hangry Bear! A gentle giant. Protector of the group, always hungry and always looking out for the crew. Brylands previous life as a dad of 4 puts him in good stead for the chaotic life as a Hangry! Bryland is an accomplished scientist and professor of zoology. His field of work before getting Hangry was the changing patterns in nature that predict the future.. Birds that can detect bad harvests coming through their migration patterns. The impact of pesticides on bee populations. Bryland also had aspirations to go offworld and explore constellations with signs of life. That was kinda cut short due to the tarball event. But will we see Bryland reach the stars in the comics and movie I wonder?

Don’t mess with Susanna! Short fuse, explosive energy and a hunger for aliens! Susanna was a zoo keeper who loved all animals. Since the tarball event, Susanna has been fighting those internal demons and battling the notion that being a Hangry comes with a greater responsibility for the other animals of earth! Suzanna will jump at the chance to save all animals, but hesitates at humans… will the adventures to come change her mind? only time and Hangryness will tell!

Maaaarv! The slowest most chilled of Hangry in existence. The silent assassin who turns up late to the party but finishes strong! Marv has a huge appetite so you’ll always find him chomping on something. His hunger for a western diet has seen him return to slob like status at times, but he’s fasting intermittently now and gets Hangry easily because of it. Marv is Canadian obviously and was visiting the zoo on a blind date when the tarball event happened. Deep down he’s missing his loved one and compares his journey to that of Deadpool (His fave comic) and man crush Ryan Reynolds 😛

Leon is the ceo of Strom industries and Nakamoto Offworld Mining Corporation. Leons goal is to disrupt the energy industry and make the human inhabitants of Earth a multi planetary experience. But in order to do so, Leon believes we need to solve our own energy crisis and the reliance we have on fossil fuels. Stroms team have discovered an offworld cluster of planets close to a black hole that harnesses enough energy in 1 cm square to power a house for 50 years. This rarest of commodities is believed to be in abundance on several outposts that are reachable by space travel within 6 months of earth Using Leon’s ion propelled mining ships. Leon is a go getter and has made it his life mission to go beyond what is expected, ignore the critics and solve one of the biggest threats to humanity.

Lorac Queen of Shillarki
Lorac was appointed queen of the Shillarkis people after defeating the competition of 11,111 other suitors for the role. Lorac is resourceful, skilled in hand combat, has minimal compassion for other species and frowns upon some of their own too! Lorac instructed the Shillarkis Gool Army’s to track down and ambush Leon’s armada once the extraction was complete. The Shillarki people are also in need of tarball energy to survive as their dying star does not produce enough light to power the planets resources. As well as being the Queen, Lorac also commands the Army’s of the Sky and Earth people of Shillarkis, has a harem of 10 suitors at her disposal and a thirst for more. Loracs lightning rod staff draws energy from the surrounding star of whatever planet she is grounded on to use in battle. This will become especially evident as the story unfolds. “Ir Gaaad Shillarkis” is her war cry to get her Armies riled up!

Navi Sproull is one of the most powerful entities known in the Hangryverse! Navi was born into the metaverse itself and had no physical presence until the event of the tarball. Navi became self aware in the hands of a gamer at the Zoo during the crash and subsequent morphing of the Hangrys. Navi themselves were not present on earth, but actually on the distant world of Sproull when the bridge into reality took place. Navi’s role in the Metaverse was to connect with others, see reason and breaden each species understanding of each other. Navi has a playful nature, much like Orko from our favoured He-Man and enjoys conjuring experiments that always go wrong. Navis Metavertz we’re driven to Earth in pursuit of the Shillarkis having been rendered into the real world from the Metaverse through the hand console of the gamer at the zoo. Bridging the reality and virtual worlds, provides Navi and his species with unique powers to imagine worlds in front of our eyes. Which can be equally fun and dangerous depending on whether the Metavertz like your energy or not. Tarball now fuels the Metavertz in the real world too and there will inevitably be an encounter that aims to rid the Hangrys of their powers in doing so.
Rarity chart
Our Hangrynomics on rarities among our collection stretches to 5 layers with a total of 169 rares of crazy value, 1500 NFTs at a collectors level and a remainder that will hold unique rewards down the track!

Hangry rare - UlTimaTe CollecTables
1 of 1: Not yet revealed special character
1 of 1: Shillarkis Queen
1 of 1: Metavertz Shamen
1 of 1: Not yet revealed collaborator Character

ulTra rare - Diamond hangry animals
15 Diamond Hangry Animals maximum will be minted. The Diamond Hangrys are included randomly in the collection and 15 lucky people (not bots :P) will strike it lucky and bag themselves a diamond!

super rare - plaTinum hangry animals
25 Platinum Hangry Animals maximum will be minted. Platinum Hangrys are included randomly in the collection and 25 lucky people (not bots :P) will strike it lucky and bag themselves a platinum! There will be 5 platinum Hangrys per species.. so still super rare by any stretch.

rare - gold hangry animals
125 Gold Hangry Animals maximum will be minted. Gold Hangrys are included randomly in the collection and 125 lucky people (not bots :P) will strike it lucky and bag themselves a gold one! There will be 25 gold Hangrys per species.. so still rare by any stretch.

CollecTors - moviE THemed hangry animals

Common - hangry animals
The largest level of rarity is the least rare.. but, alas! this does not mean you will miss out on perks! Any NFT within this collection will yield a special utility down the track! For instance.. ifthe NFT you mint ends up with a Hangry Animals T-Shirt slogan! You may or may not be in the coolest club in Crypto! just sayin! We ain’t leaving the largest slice of the mint out of the fun, and maybe just maybe, these Hangrys yield the best rewards….. 😛 #letsgethangry